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Craft a convincing case for your boss using these key marketing metrics. Here’s what you'll learn:

  • Discover how to derive numbers in your marketing report that will grab the attention of decision-makers.
  • Use of CAC metric to derive the average cost spent on customer acquisition.
  • Determine marketing spend vs. customer acquisition cost to gain clarity on your investments.
  • Use of LTV: CAC metric to determine if you're overspending on customer acquisition compared to the value they generate for your business.
  • Learn to calculate and derive the CAC payback period to assess your break-even point.
  • Measure marketing-originated customer % to gauge the direct impact of marketing on acquisitions.
  • Learn the formula to derive marketing-influenced customer % to determine impact across the lead’s lifecycle.

Persuade key decision-makers and secure additional marketing budgets with data-driven insights.

Help decision-makers resonate with marketing metrics that drive lead generation, elevate customer lifetime value, and lower the cost of acquisitions.

Download our free e-book to further delve into these 6 metrics that directly impact the profitability of your marketing strategies.

Marketing Metrics Your Boss Cares About

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